totem jasper ski shop logo


The 27th Annual 10km Spring Run Off was held at Lake Annette and Lake Edith in the Jasper National Park, on the 8 May 2011. With a new logoand over 150 runners we were in for another fun day! This years proceeds went to the “Jasper4 Japan” appeal… helping the Japanese Communities that were affected […]

ICE HOCKEY – TOTEM v SFS 2010/2011

This year the Cup was back on the line for the taking! The first warmup game was held at Patricia Circle on a chilly night! With four hours of intense battle both teams were ready for another blood bathheld atthe end of the year! On 14th April 2011, Totem and Source for Sports were back […]

Staff Ski Day 2010/2011

On 26th of April 2011, staff from both Totem Ski Shop and Source for Sports got together to celebrate another great ski season at Marmot Basin! With adress code from a Japanese Victor Vassallo to a Pro French Snowblader we were all in for a fun day! The morning was spent with staffpushing their limitsby […]

Marmot Challenge Jan 19,2011

First Astoria Marmot Challenge was held on Tranquillizer, GS format. It was a good race with about 17 teams. Team Totem finished in second place behind Papa Georges. The margin of victory was 2 seconds for the combined 8 runs. Pretty close race. Jasper Source for Sports had a great time with a good mixture […]